Dr. Mahua Ghara - Post-doctoral Research Fellow

PBC Indo-China-Israel fellow, 2014-2017
Title of the project: Role of (floral) herbivores and abiotic factors in evolution of floral traits in the Royal irises.
2012 PhD Indian Institute of Science, Centre for Ecological Sciences, Bangalore, India
2004 MSc University of Delhi, Hindu College, New Delhi, India
2002 BSc University of Delhi , Hindu College, New Delhi, India
Research Interests
1. Floral color evolution.
2. Fig - wasp mutualism.
Sapir, Y. and M. Ghara. (2017) The (relative) importance of pollinator-mediated selection for evolution of flowers. American Journal of Botany. DOI: 10.3732/ajb.1700321
Ghara, M., A. Krishnan, Y. Ranganathan, V. Gowda, and R. M. Borges. (2014) Divvying upthe changing nursery: how parasitic and mutualistic fig wasps partition theirsyconium landscape. Arthropod–plant interaction 8(3): 191–203.
Basu, P., and M. Ghara. (2013) Pollinators in changing landscape of agriculture: global andIndian scenarios (Invited contribution for WII ENVIS on “Arthropod and theirconservation in India – Insects and spiders”).
Ghara, M., L. Kundanati, and R. M. Borges. (2011) Nature’s Swiss army knives: ovipositor structure mirrors ecology in a multitrophic fig wasp community. PLoS one 6(8):e23642.
Borges, R. M., Y. Ranganathan, A. Krishnan, M. Ghara, and G. Pramanik. (2011) Whenshould fig fruit produce volatiles? Pattern in a ripening process. Acta Oecologica 37(6): 611–618.
Ranganathan, Y☯., M. Ghara☯, and R. M. Borges. (2010) Temporal associations in fig–wasp–ant interactions: diel and phenological patterns. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 137: 50–61. (☯Contributed equally)
Ghara, M., and R. M. Borges. (2010) Comparative life‐history traits in a fig wasp community: implications for community structure. Ecological Entomology 35: 139–148.
Contact -
Email: mahuaghara <at> gmail.com