Dr. Yamit Bar Lev - Lab Manager

Yamit received her PhD in 2015 from Tel Aviv University, Sackler School of Medicine.
Yamit joined the lab on November 2013 as a lab manager. She is expert in molecular biology and is responsible for the molecular aspects of the research, as well as managing the budget, the students and the PI.
Contact: Yamiabr <at> gmail.com. Tl. +972-3-6407354
ORCID id: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2850-859X
2014 Direct Ph.D – The Department of clinical microbiology and immunology, Sackler School of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University.
2005 B.Sc - Program in life and medical sciences, Tel-Aviv University.
Research Interests
1. Molecular basis of floral color in irises.
2. Breast cancer and metabolism.
Bar-Lev Y., Senden E., Pasmanik-Chor M., and Sapir Y., De novo transcriptome characterization of Iris atropurpurea (the Royal Iris) and phylogenetic analysis of MADS-box and R2R3-MYB gene families. Scientific Reports, 2021.
Roguz K., Gallagher M.K., Senden E., Bar-Lev Y., Lebel M., Heliczer R., Sapir Y., All the Colors of the Rainbow: Diversification of Flower Color and Intraspecific Color Variation in the Genus Iris. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2020.
Penner S., Dror B., Aviezer I., Bar‐Lev Y., Salman‐Minkov A., Mandakova T., Šmarda P., Mayrose I., and Sapir Y., Phenology and polyploidy in annual Brachypodium species (Poaceae) along the aridity gradient in Israel. J. Syst. Evol., 2020.
Bar-Lev Y., Senden E., Pasmanik-Chor M., and Sapir Y., De novo Transcriptome Characterization of Royal Iris (Iris section Oncocyclus) and Identification of Flower Development Genes. bioRxiv, 2019.
Kidron D., Bar-Lev Y., Tsarfaty I., Many A., and Tauman R., The effect of maternal obstructive sleep apnea on the placenta. Sleep, 2019.
Bar-Lev Y, Moshitch-Moshkovitz S., Tsarfaty G., Kaufman D., Horev J., Resau J., and Tsarfaty I., Mimp/Mtch2-GFP-Induced Alteration of Fatty Acid Metabolism in Transgenic Mice. Plus One, 2016.
Leibowitz-Amit R., Tsarfaty G., Abargil Y., Yerushalmi G.M., Horev J., and Tsarfaty I., Mimp, a Mitochondrial Carrier Homologue, Inhibits Met-HGF/SF-Induced Scattering and Tumorigenicity by Altering Met-HGF/SF Signaling Pathways. Cancer Research, 2006.